Category: Entrepreneurial

  • How this simple sentence construct can take us closer towards fulfillment

    Simon Sinek who has coined the concept of WHY has mentioned in Find Your Why , the construct of a simple WHY statement The WHY statement can help bring fulfillment in our lives by making us realize what drives our PASSION and hence channelize all our energy in that direction The following has been adopted…

  • Core abilities needed to thrive in this economy

    Adopted from the following insight shared by Cal Newport from his book Deep Work The Two Core Abilities for Thriving in the New Economy  are: 1. The ability to quickly master hard things. 2. The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.

  • It is our ability to FOCUS is what makes us what we are

    Adopted from the following insight shared by Cal Newport from his book Deep Work “Who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.”

  • Doing this can reduce stress on the emotional limbic human brain

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work Dopamine is a hormone stimulated by reward whereas adrenaline flows when we are over excited. “Bring your dopamine or adrenaline level down by activating other regions of the brain other than the prefrontal cortex.”

  • An Email writing masterclass

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work is a masterclass on email writing skills. 1. Emails should contain as few words as possible. 2. Make it easy to see your central point at a glance, in one screen. 3. Never send an email that could emotionally…

  • This is why SIMPLICITY is the utmost sophistication

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work “Sometimes reducing a problem to one short sentence can be enough to bring about insight on its own.”

  • Shocking insight on ill effects due to CONSTANT EMAILING and TEXT MESSAGING

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work “A study done at the University of London found that constant emailing and text-messaging reduces mental capability by an average of ten points on an IQ test. It was five points for women, and fifteen points for men. This…

  • This is how autonomy is given to employees at work

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work “In the workplace, you could increase autonomy by letting people work more flexibly, or work from home, or reducing the amount of reporting required.”

  • Whole idea behind FedEx Day at Atlassian is this

    Atlassian has a concept of FedEx day wherein employees are free to do a project of their choice with people of their choice and have to show a tangible outcome.The whole idea behind doing the same is as mentioned by David Rock in the following extract from Your Brain at Work.. “In the workplace, in…

  • This is why even Microsoft studies working of human brain

    Adopted from the following insight shared by David Rock from his book Your Brain at Work “Microsoft has a division that studies the way people work, to develop efficiency-improving software. (According to Microsoft’s research up to 2007, if you’re looking for a technological solution to being more efficient, getting a bigger computer screen is one…