Category: Leadership

  • Whenever in search of direction think of this quote

    Whenever we are in search of direction or going through a bumpy ride , the following quote from Steve Jobs should serve as a guiding star. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

  • This saying is so true about iconic leaders

    Great leaders adopt an infinite mindset to keep playing the infinite game of life or business. The following quote from Simon Sinek aptly highlights this fact and is a masterclass: “The ability to adopt an infinite mindset is a prerequisite for any leader who aspires to leave their organization in better shape than they found…

  • A friend is need is a friend indeed

    The following iconic quote from Simon Sinek gives us a guideline how to choose the right friends who are going to be us through our thick and thin “Our friends do not love us for what we do. Our friends love us for who we are.”

  • This is the truth a person with high emotional quotient understands better than most

    In the Infinite Game of life , the most important lesson we should learn is to collaborate with others to reach the destination and keep playing the infinite game of life or business. Alone is depressive and never can give us fulfillment.Unless and until we collaborate with others we cannot get a macro view that…

  • Understanding some striking similarities between founders of SouthWest , Apple , Microsoft

    Apple , SouthWest , Microsoft are all examples of infinite minded iconic organizations which find a mention in all business books for standing the test of time yet advancing their JUST CAUSE over the course of time. If we look at the founders of all these iconic organizations we see a common pattern in the…

  • How organizations communicate their messages indicates their mindset

    An organization’s mindset whether finite or infinite is clearly reflected in all the organizational announcements and communications. The responsibility of any business is 1) to advance a purpose justifying the JUST CAUSE or vision 2) Protecting the supplier , employees and all in the ecosystem and 3) Generate profit if the communication starts with 3…

  • Why is it difficult to put people over resources?

    By Resources we mean the financial metrics associated with any organization.This would mean EBITDA , EPS , Cash flow , resources from customers and investors etc. Hence though these are external to an organization these have a huge bearing on the quarterly targets of an organization. Whereas “Will” is related to inspiration , motivation and…

  • How to interpret “Performance vs Trust curve” in the infinite game?

    When we plot Performance on the Y axis and Trust on the X axis , the point of focus should be the following quadrants: Top right – High Performance , High Trust Bottom Right – Low performance , high trust Top left – High performance and low trust #3 is associated with people who are…

  • These are few of the traits for High Performing teams

    High Performing Teams are ones associated with innovation and creativity based organizations with the following as the key themes: These are teams with very High Trust Quotient The Team members feel psychologically safe with one another The team members revel in each other’s company and stand up for each other The team members have the…

  • Characteristics of a work culture led by finite minded leaders

    Organizations led by finite minded leaders are characterized by work environments where people are pitted against one another to meet short term quarterly targets. These are leaders who give the utmost importance to performers who are high on IQ even if they are not team players and lack EQ. Such an environment is prone to…