Pile On Motivation: a blogsite for preachers and seekers of motivation. Come let’s pile on motivation!!

  • How does a Linchpin see the world?

    “The linchpin sees the world very differently. Exceptional insight , productivity and generosity make markets bigger and more efficient. This situation leads to more opportunities and ultimately a payoff for everyone involved. The more a Linchpin gives , the more the market gives. Abundance is thus possible but only if we imagine it and then…

  • One big truth about a “Linchpin”

    “In every case the linchpins among us are NOT the ones born with a magical talent. They are people who have gone out of their comfort zone , who have decided that a new kind of work is important and hence trained themselves to do it.” Adopted from Seth Godin’s book Linchpin.

  • A Linchpin is indispensable

    “You do not become indispensable merely because you are different. But the only way to be indispensable is to be different. That is because if you are the same so are plenty of other people.” Adopted from Seth Godin’s book Linchpin.

  • How the factory model is irrelevant in the modern era

    When labor is dependent on management for the factory and the machines and the systems they use to do their work , the relationship would have issues associated with power and control. This way the factory needs labor for sure but labor needs a factory.In the factory age therefore it has always been easier for…

  • How is trust similar to love?

    “Trust is like love. Both parties have to feel it before it really exists.” Trust like love is purely emotional and related to the limbic brain which understands emotions and NOT language. Adopted from Simon Sinek’ great quotes.

  • Building a strong work culture

    “A culture is strong when people work with each other , for each other. A culture is weak when people work against each other , for themselves.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s great quotes

  • Humility is leadership

    “Great leaders do not see themselves as great.Great leaders see themselves as human.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s great quotes

  • Leaders take risks in building trust

    “If we are unwilling to take the risk to trust others , then others will be unwilling to take the risk to trust us.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s great quotes

  • Of leadership and Action

    “Words may inspire but only action creates change.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s great quotes.

  • The evolution of human being and value creation

    Adopted from Seth Godin’s book Linchpin the following image shows the human evolution with respect to value creation This outlines the need of a Linchpin in the modern era where creativity is the norm

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