Tag: 10X performers

  • What is “Return on Luck”

    Adopted from Jim Collins’s book titled Great By Choice High performers or 10X performers make the most of an opportunity.Luck for them is “preparation meeting an opportunity” These are high performers who make the most use of luck to get high ROL or Return on Luck to leave competitors by the wayside. Think of Bill…

  • Why any business must understand these three risks?

    Any business big or small must understand the following three risks and adopt necessary means to mitigate the same: Death Line Risk – This if not properly mitigated can kill or severely damage an enterprise Asymmetric Risk – The downside of such risks dwarfs the upside. Uncontrollable Risk – This cannot be controlled or managed…

  • Why is “Productive Paranoia” needed for high performance?

    High performers referred to as 10X performers in Jim Collins’s book titled “Great By Choice” , maintain hypervigilance ,staying highly tuned to threats and changes in environment even when everything is going well. These high performers use “Productive Paranoia” to turn their fear and worry into action , preparing and developing contingency plans , building…

  • Why is “Empirical Creativity” needed for high performance?

    This skill relates to relying on direct observation , practical experimentation and direct engagement with direct evidence.This helps high performers make bold moves from a sound empirical base. Thus when faced with uncertainty , high performers or 10X performers do not look up to other people or peers for direction they primarily look up to…

  • Why is “Fanatic Discipline” needed for high performance?

    Fanatic Discipline helps in displaying extreme consistency of action in terms of values , goals , performance standards & methods. With a sense of “Fanatic Discipline” , high performers are utterly relentless , unbending in their focus on their quests. Adopted from Jim Collins’s book titled “Great By Choice”