Tag: Amygdala

  • Do you know the BEST FRIEND of a STORYTELLER?

    Do you know the BEST FRIEND of a STORYTELLER?

    If you are a Storyteller it is time to know your BEST FRIEND. A storyteller’s motivating speech would enable Dopamine to flow through our veins. Thus Amygdala which stimulates the flow of Dopamine is indeed the best friend of a storyteller.

  • Old Brain vs New Brain – Unknown facts

    Our limbic part of the brain has been inherited from apes and is known as the “Old Brain”.This understands only symbols & signals and has no power for rational thinking. A couple of noteworthy components are HippoCampus & Amygdala. Whereas hippocampus stores long term emotional memory for later recall and reflection , Amygdala acts as…

  • Handling high state of “emotional arousal”

    The limbic part of our human brain is responsible for all emotions. A high state of emotional arousal is when performance starts deteriorating out of stress , tension , anxiety. A basic principle of the human brain suggests that a negative emotion has a far lasting impact than a positive emotion. Since the limbic brain…