Tag: finite minded leaders

  • The DNA of ethical decisions

    “Ethical decisions are not based on what is best for the short term.They are based on the “right thing to do” Whereas short-termism at the expense of ethics slowly weakens a company “doing the right” thing slowly strengthens it. Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book The Infinite Game.

  • When leaders compromise work culture for meeting priorities

    Finite minded leaders with a bias towards “resources” before “will” willingly adjust their cultures to meet their priorities. People are pitted against each other in such a low trust work culture which can eventually lead to ethical fading. Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book The Infinite Game

  • What does a prognosis of “ethical fading” lead to?

    “The postmortem after any scandal or case of ethical fading nearly always reveals a failure of leadership in creating a trust based work culture.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book The Infinite Game

  • Of ruthless leaders who prioritize numbers at the cost of people

    The finite minded leader tends to show a bias for the score.As a result they often opt for choices that demonstrate results in a short time frame even if doing so “regrettably” at the cost of people. The examples that come to mind are the big banker boys who do not shirk from laying off…

  • Organizations susceptible to “Ethical fading”

    Leaders with a finite mindset put numbers and profits over people. In an organization or culture where people are pitted against each other , in order to meet performance targets even the most talented of people can indulge in unethical practices to meet targets. Thus such kind of organizations which are run with a finite…

  • When leaders take short sighted decisions out of fear

    The most anxiety inducing place is to be alone where we feel we have to protect ourselves from the people on our own team. Fear can push us to choose the best finite option at the risk of doing infinite damage. This inherent fear of saving ourselves entices many of the finite minded leaders to…

  • When leaders show their bias for scores

    A finite minded , short term oriented leader tends to show a bias for the score. As  a result they often opt for choices that demonstrate results in the short time frame even if doing so “regrettably” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “The Infinite Game”

  • Understanding the traits of finite minded leader Al Dunlap

    Al Dunlap hired as the CEO of Scott Paper loved to loudly beat his own chest boasting about personal accomplishment putting numbers over people He personally accrued $100 million for 603 days of work by slashing the workforce , cutting R&D budget to half and putting company on growth steroids in preparation for sale Presence…

  • Jack Welch and the GE work environment

    Jack Welch’s judgement criteria was “Performance” and “Potential” with no regard to trust, Potential is future performance and hence such an environment where people were pitted against each other was very unhealthy Environments such as the ones Jack Welch cultivated tend to benefit and celebrate high performers including the ones of low trust Had it…

  • Harsh truth about finite minded organizations

    “In a culture dominated by intense pressure to meet quarterly or annual targets , too many of our leaders value high performers with little consideration of whether others on the team can trust them” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book , The Infinite Game