Category: Book review

  • Striking characteristics of Level 5 Infinite minded leaders

    Listed below are some of key characteristics of level 5 infinite minded leaders who leave behind a legacy. Display compelling modesty , are self effacing and understated They are fanatically driven infected with an incredible need to produce sustained results Display workmanlike diligence Have an internal locus of control – When the results are great…

  • Fine line between level 5 leaders and egocentric leaders

    Level 5 leaders set up their successors for even greater success in the next generation whereas egocentric yet very talented leaders often set up their successors for failure to prove their greatness. Adopted from Jim Collins’s book titled Good to Great

  • Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of?

    Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will.They are ambitious first and foremost for the company not themselves. Adopted from Jim Collins’s book titled “Good to Great”

  • The two prerequisites of Level 5 leadership

    The two components are 1) Professional Will and 2) Personal Humility Personal Will – Looks in the mirror not out of the window to apportion responsibility for poor results never blaming other people , external factors or bad luck Personal Humility – Looks out the window not in the mirror to apportion credit for the…

  • How Level 5 leaders take accountability for their actions

    Level 5 leaders look out of the window to apportion credit to factors outside themselves when things go well , if they cannot find a specific person to give credit to , they credit good luck. At the same time , they look in the mirror to apportion responsibility never blaming bad luck when things…

  • Exploding leadership myths

    Adopted from Jim Collins’s book Good to Great Ten out of eleven good to great CEO’s cited in the book came from inside the company and took the company to great heights.The comparison companies who failed turned to outsiders with six times greater frequency yet failed to produce sustained great results. This expodes an important…

  • Level 5 leaders have a fire in their belly

    “Level 5 leaders are fanatically driven infected with an incurable need to produce results.They will sell the mills or fire their brother if that is what takes to make the company great” Adopted from Jim Collins’s book Good to Great

  • Optimism as a pre-requisite for leadership

    “All great leaders are optimists.To inspire necessary requires a positive outlook.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s great quotes.

  • The DNA of a great achievement

    “Rally people and they will come together.Lead people and they will come together to achieve something great.” Adopted from Simon Sinek great quotes

  • Leadership is a sacrifice

    “Leadership is hard work.Not the hard work of doing the job – it is the hard work of learning to let go.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book Together is Better