Category: Entrepreneurial

  • Lesser charismatic leaders can produce better long term results , this is why

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Jim Collins from the book Good to Great “The moment a leader allows himself to become the primary reality people worry about, rather than reality being the primary reality, you have a recipe for mediocrity, or worse. This is one of the key reasons why less charismatic…

  • This is WHY great leaders choose to eat LAST

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Leaders are the ones who are willing to give up something of their own for us. Their time, their energy, their money, maybe even the food off their plate. When it matters, leaders choose to eat last.”

  • A leader’s job is to build TRUST , this explains

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Truly human leadership protects an organization from the internal rivalries that can shatter a culture. When we have to protect ourselves from each other, the whole organization suffers. But when trust and cooperation thrive internally, we pull together and…

  • Unhappy parents leads to unhappy kids , this explains

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Children are better off having a parent who works into the night in a job they love than a parent who works shorter hours but comes home unhappy.”

  • This is a natural human right yet only a lucky few are entitled to

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Returning from work feeling inspired, safe, fulfilled and grateful is a natural human right to which we are all entitled and not a modern luxury that only a few lucky ones are able to find.”

  • Leadership effects cannot be realized immediately , this explains

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Leadership takes work. It takes time and energy. The effects are not always easily measured and they are not always immediate. Leadership is always a commitment to human beings.”

  • This is what happens when leaders put people before numbers

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “And when a leader embraces their responsibility to care for people instead of caring for numbers, then people will follow, solve problems and see to it that that leader’s vision comes to life the right way, a stable way…

  • Followers make the leaders who they are , this explains

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “It is not the genius at the top giving directions that makes people great. It is great people that make the guy at the top look like a genius.”

  • This is the imbalance that leads to job stress

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “Studies found that the effort required by a job is not in itself stressful, but rather the imbalance between the effort we give and the reward we feel.”

  • How to judge whether you are a leader or not , this will help

    Adopted from the following great insight shared by Simon Sinek from his book Leaders Eat Last “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”