Category: Book review

  • Why John Sculley failed at Apple?

    John Sculley was hired by Steve Jobs at Apple & eventually removed Steve Jobs for 12 long years at Apple. John Sculley was great at WHAT to do and HOW to do but was never a person with a vision and hence lacked the WHY. John Sculley tried to run Apple as a business and…

  • Most Organizations that inspire people to “do great things” have this in common

    In nearly every case of a person or an ORGANIZATION that has gone on to INSPIRE people to DO GREAT THINGS , there exists this special partnership between a person who knows the WHY and another who knows the HOW. This relationship starts to clarify the VISION statement and MISSION statement of an organization. The…

  • Why do companies STRUGGLE to communicate their TRUE VALUE?

    The struggle that so many companies have to differentiate or communicate their true value to the outside world is NOT a BUSINESS PROBLEM. Rather it is a BIOLOGY PROBLEM. This is just like a person struggling to put emotions to words relying on metaphors , imagery etc. in order to attempt what we feel. Exactly…

  • What is “Stockdale Paradox”?

    James Bond Stockdale was a United States Navy vice admiral and aviator awarded the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War, during which he was a prisoner of war for over seven years. Commander Stockdale was the most senior naval officer held captive in Hanoi, North Vietnam. His sheer ability to survive during tough times…

  • Why just copying a business model will never work?

    SouthWest Airlines copied their model from Pacific SouthWest Airlines , even copied their name but eventually carved a niche out for themselves. This is because Herb Kelleher was successfully able to communicate the WHY which translated into all the employee touchpoints with the customers.The consistency of messaging is the reason SouthWest has had customer loyalty…

  • Why are Charismatic leaders able to command customer loyalty?

    We are all drawn to charismatic great leaders and organizations who are good at communicating what they believe. Their ability to make us feel we belong , feel safe and not alone is part of what gives them the ability to inspire us. These are leaders who have the ability to draw us close to…

  • Why “Manipulation” works only in the SHORT TERM?

    To get short term benefits and returns “Manipulation” and trickery by means of risk/reward behavior manipulation becomes the strategy of choice for most companies and marketers. As with short cuts this has its own share of pitfalls in the long run.This is because NOT manipulation but INSPIRATION results in  loyalty which results in long term…

  • Building customer loyalty by communicating the “WHY” aspect in a product

    People DO NOT buy WHAT we do but they buy WHY we do it. The touch point of an organization with customers or market place is where the WHAT aspect of a product is exposed. Once the WHY communicated in a VISION translates to the WHAT aspect of a product is when the “innovators” ,…

  • What is meant by “Breakage” in Retailing?

    The manipulative nature of promotions is very well established in the RETAIL INDUSTRY and one such principles is termed as “BREAKAGE”. BREAKAGE measures the percentage of customers who FAIL to take ADVANTAGE of a PROMOTION and end up paying FULL PRICE for the product instead. This typically happens when buyers do not bother performing the…

  • Most amazing quote I have ever come across

    “To GO FAST , go ALONE. To GO FAR , go TOGETHER.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book Together is Better