Category: Entrepreneurial

  • This quote will inspire us to CONQUER the FEAR of CHANGE

    Adopted from the following great quote of Seth Godin.. “We’ve greatly exaggerated the risk of sinking, without celebrating the value of swimming.”

  • Beautiful quote that explains how HARD WORK is ABOUT TAKING RISK

    Adopted from the following great quote of Seth Godin , on risk taking.. “Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things that you’d rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, drive through…

  • Marketers need to understand this quirky human psychology

    Adopted from the following iconic marketing quote of Seth Godin.. “People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves.” 

  • Hedgehog vs Fox , whom do great organizations replicate?

    Whereas a Hedgehog is FOCUSED towards its goal , a FOX even though more powerful and cunning works in a Scattered , diffused and inconsistent manner.. A company which adopts a HEDGEHOG concept is focused like a hedgehog knowing their own limitations and operate within the bounds of the Hedgehog framework.. Companies which have potential…

  • Creating a work environment where TRUTH is heard

    Creating a climate where truth is heard involves the four basic practices mentioned below: Lead with questions and NOT answers Engage in dialogue and debate and NOT coercion Conduct AUTOPSIES without blame Build RED FLAG MECHANISMS to turn information into INFORMATION THAT CANNOT be IGNORED.. Adopted from Jim Collins’s book Good to Great

  • Great organizations have a penchant for “Intense Dialogues”

    Jim Collins in his book Good to Great mentions that great organizations do not use discussions as a SHAM process to let people HAVE their SAY so that they can BUY IN to a predetermined decision.. The process adopted here is more of  SCIENTIFIC DEBATE with people ENGAGED in search of the BEST ANSWERS..

  • Overcoming liabilities of CHARISMA

    Jim Collins in his book Good to Great mentions that for people who are inherently CHARISMATIC it is worthwhile to consider that CHARISMA is as much a LIABILITY as an ASSET. The strength of charismatic personality can sow the seeds of problems when people start hiding brutal facts.. The liabilities of CHARISMA can be OVERCOME…

  • Three best practices for People Decisions

    Great organizations led by Level 5 leaders always use the following three principles when it comes to People related decisions.. When in doubt , do NOT HIRE and keep looking When you know you NEED to make a PEOPLE CHANGE , ACT Put your BEST PEOPLE in BIGGEST OPPORTUNITIES , NOT BIGGEST PROBLEMS The same…

  • This Bipolar pattern has been seen in Great organizations

    Jim Collins in his book Good to Great observes a bipolar pattern with respect to people in great organizations led by Level 5 leaders.. People either STAYED in the BUS of the organization for a LONG time or GOT off the BUS in a HURRY.. Hence these organizations churned better..

  • Level 5 leaders prefer WHO before WHAT

    By WHAT we refer to the vision that a Leader has with respect to the organization.. By WHO we refer to the followers of the leader who work towards achieving the VISION of the leader.. A level 5 leader first cares about WHO i.e. selecting the right people on the BUS who are sure to…