Category: Motivational

  • How do “high performing” companies overcome uncertainty?

    “The 20 mile march” or the disciplined and consistent year on year growth plans of high performing companies , impose order amidst disorder , consistency amidst uncertain environment. This sense of “fanatic discipline” manifested in the form of the well thought out growth plans sacrifice the enticement of aiming for greater growth when the tide…

  • What is meant by “The 20 Mile March”?

    Adopted from Jim Collins’s book titled “Great By Choice”. 10X companies meaning high performing companies have a common pattern of following “The 20 Mile March” growth approach. By this is meant an approach wherein the leaders in such companies define a growth rate which is ethical , reasonable and not too aggressive.This would mean defining…

  • The funny part about a “plan”

    “Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.” – Simon Sinek Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “Together is Better”

  • Idea vs Action

    Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “Together is Better” “Genius is in the idea.Impact comes from the action.” – Simon Sinek

  • The destination is never “fuzzy” to a great leader

    A great leader is one who has a clear vision that helps in showing followers the proper destination. A weak leader or a micro manager is one who is not sure of the destination himself.As a result of this the followers never have a clear sense of vision. The human brain is oriented in a…

  • Reason our “WHY” should be for service to others

    The concept of WHY was introduced by Simon Sinek in his iconic book titled “Start With Why”. A WHY is another name for finding a deep filled purpose in our lives.This has to be in sync with our own personality traits as well. When we run after short term benefits , hit a goal ,…

  • Great quote of the day

    “There is only one way to avoid criticism : do nothing , say nothing , and be nothing.” – Aristotle Adopted from Simon Sinek’s “Together is Better”

  • “Slow and steady” in business as well wins the race

    10X or high performing companies as analyzed by Jim Collins in “Great By Choice” exhibit one very surprising pattern They have pegged their targets to a ceiling while at the same time earmarking a level beyond which it should never fall down. It is like playing an infinite game of business with discipline to fight…

  • Are you still living your life by accident?

    Most of us live our lives by accident.We live as it happens without wanting to take risks to chase our passion. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose. It’s upto us to choose the kind of life we want Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book “Together is Better”

  • Comparison between Amundsen’s and Scott’s South Pole expeditions

    Adopted from the book titled “Great By Choice” by Jim Collins. Roald Amundsen and Rober Falcon Scott had contrasting approaches in their march towards South Pole. In the end it was the better prepared and ferociously competitive Amundsen who not only reached South Pole earlier but returned home safely. The following link from highlights…