Tag: Circle of Safety


    The following great self help and motivational insight has been adopted from Simon Sinek’s book The Infinite Game “By creating a Circle of Safety around the people in the organization, leadership reduces the threats people feel inside the group, which frees them up to focus more time and energy to protect the organization from the…

  • A quote that inspires us to CREATE our CIRCLE of SAFETY

    Adopted from the following great quote of Seth Godin.. “Be with the ones you love (and the ones that love you). Ignore everyone else.” Circle of Safety is a term coined by Simon Sinek in his book Leaders East Last

  • Infinite minded leaders

    These are leaders who exhibit the following characteristics: 1) Devoted towards advancement of a “just cause” , through hard work and patience 2) Have the ability to nurture “Trusting Teams” by creating a “Circle of Safety”. 3) Always put “will” before “resources” to create a great organization culture that avoids “ethical fading”. Simon Sinek mentions…

  • What is meant by “Circle Of Safety”?

    Based on the foundation of trust , leaders with an infinite mindset create a “Circle of Safety” where the employees feel safe to the extent of being vulnerable to openly admit their weakness in the hope of collaboration. In such an environment where trust precedes performance , performance would automatically follow since the employees would…