Tag: Simon Sinek Leadership insights

  • Great Leadership & Sacrifice

    Relationship between Great Leadership & Sacrifice The following great insight from Simon Sinek highlights why great leadership is all about Sacrifice.

  • Don’t be a LEADER with ONLY the TITLE.

    Don’t be a LEADER with ONLY the TITLE.

    A Leader With ONLY Title is Useless The following insight from Simon Sinek highlights that being a LEADER with ONLY TITLE has no meaning and adds no VALUE to an INDIVIDUAL’s BEING.

  • Why should VALUES be communicated as VERBS?

    When Values are Verbs Magic Happens Watch this insightful video from Simon Sinek that enlightens why as leaders we should communicate VALUES as VERBS to get best results out of VALUES. https://fb.watch/gt1DCwjFS0/

  • How to become INSANELY INNOVATIVE?

    Being Reactive Vs Innovative Simon Sinek’s famous quote cautions us from being reactive and provides the prescription to become insanely innovative. When we focus on the competition, we become reactive. When we focus on improving ourselves, we become innovative. Simon Sinek

  • Next time you BOAST about your ACHIEVEMENT, think again.

    Excitement vs Fulfillment Choose between Dopamine driven excitement & oxytocin driven fulfillment. Simon Sinek’s quote subtly directs us towards Fulfillment. Simon Sinek

  • Why is it time to EMBRACE an INFINITE MINDSET?

    The following insight shared by Simon Sinek in his best selling book, The Infinite Game, makes is very clear why we should all learn to adopt an infinite mindset. “An infinite mindset embraces abundance whereas a finite mindset operates with a scarcity mentality. In the Infinite Game we accept that “being the best” is a…


    Why Winning or Losing should not bother you? Simon Sinek’s great and inspiration quote makes us aware that winning or losing does not matter in an infinite game of life. Effort should be directed towards playing the game rather than focusing on results.


    “Be wary of those who speak a lot but say little.” Simon Sinek A small step towards being more productive in life.

  • How is SALES like DATING?

    Sales vs Dating – The Similarities Watch this fascinating video from Simon Sinek wherein he illuminates us as to how SALES is very similar to DATING. https://fb.watch/fk2pgZX8qm/ Knowing this will position us better to sell more by the day.

  • Energy Or Belief, which INSPIRES more?

    Energy Or Belief which do you prefer to inspire? The famous insight from Simon Sinek highlights the importance of Belief in Inspiring and motivating followers. Thus though ENERGY may seem important, BELIEF is quintessential to Inspire.