Tag: Simon Sinek

  • “Ambition” for self vs a “Just cause”

    All high performing leaders are incredibly ambitious. What makes their ambition different and in turn helps them rally followers and supporters around them is that their ambition is for a “just cause” not for self. When followers are shown a futuristic “just cause” for achieving something larger than themselves it can lead to a big…

  • Is “Productive Paranoia” good for high performing organizations?

    The high performing 10X companies are ones who maintain hypervigilance in good times as well as bad. They are always on their toes wary of disruption and hence competing with themselves to be a better version everyday. These companies constantly consider the possibility that events could turn against them at any moment and hence to…

  • Leadership lessons of the day

    “If every member of a team doesn’t grow together they will grow apart.” – Simon Sinek Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “Find Your Why”

  • Are you living your WHY?

    Simon Sinek pioneered the concept of WHY as one which gives us purpose and meaning in our lives.We should each strive towards finding out our real purpose or “WHY” in our lives for a fulfilling life. When we say and do the things what we truly believe our behavior is regarded as consistent.This is when…

  • Logic vs Emotion – Best Quote

    The “Rational” human brain has great power of analysis and problem solving.It is that part of the brain that understands logic and complex analysis. On the other hand the “Limbic” or emotional brain can understand only cues and signals and has no power of analysis. The best quote that I have come across to highlight…

  • Finding your “vision”

    We are used to the term “Have a vision” wherein being fascinated by visionaries like Steve Jobs , Martin Luther King we try to have a similar vision of ourselves. Not only is this stressful but at the same time does not make our lives meaningless if we don’t have one. To make our lives…

  • How to identify “Infinite minded” organizations?

    The three chief characteristics of organizations with an infinite mindset are as follows: The founders as well as the employees at each level are obsessed with advancing the Just Cause , the organization stands for. Since they are obsessed with their vision they are working to outpace themselves rather than the competition. The members form…

  • How to Create Lasting change?

    An infinite minded leaders envisions a “Just Cause” which the followers adopt for the sake of realizing something larger than themselves. To create a long lasting change via the “Just Cause” not only the followers but the leader as well need to know what they stand for so they each one can be viscerally involved…

  • Great quote of the day

    “To go fast , go alone.To go far , go together.” Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “Together is Better”.

  • Why our brain wants us to “chase our passion”?

    Our human brain is naturally oriented to feel happy and charged up when we feel a sense of purpose in what we do. When we do something we are passionate about , we love the job that we do.On the other hand when we are forced to do something just for the sake of a…