Tag: The infinite game

  • What options does a player have in an infinite game?

    We cannot choose the game. We cannot choose the rules. We can only choose how we play. Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “The Infinite Game”

  • Three pillars of any business

    The three pillars of business in the age of infinite game are: 1) Advancing a purpose or just cause to provide a sense of belonging to people 2) Protecting people who work for the organization , buy from the organizations and safeguarding the work environment and culture 3) Generate profit to ensure the business stays…

  • Why a CFO or COO may not fit for a CEO?

    CFO’s & COO’s have reached the top level of their skill set and without them a CEO cannot advance the vision But this does not mean that they are fit for the top job to lead the vision Many once they get the top job , they are more likely to continue to do what…

  • Running an organization in tandem

    The infinite game necessitates the renaming of the role of CEO to CVO or Chief Vision Officer. The best organizations in an infinite game should be run in tandem wherein the CVO focuses on up and out whereas the CFO and COO focus on down and in This is a partnership of complementary skillsets and…

  • Is it time to change the CEO title?

    A CEO’s job is to ensure everyone clearly understands the vision or the just cause and all C level execs direct their efforts to advance the just cause Since the CEO is the holder , communicator and protector of the vision , the person will be better equipped to discharge responsibilities if he/she steps into…

  • Why CSR cannot substitute a Just Cause?

    Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) programs are for most part business speak for giving to charity. A company cannot be cause driven just because they spinsor walkathons and donate to charity. A just cause is a vision in the broader sense where doing good is the first priority , money comes as the byproduct , whereas in…

  • Understanding a finite mindset , the GE way

    Jack Welch always cared for short term gains and was known to put shareholder gains before people in GE His rating criteria for people was based on two criteria: 1) Performance & 2) Potential which is future performance Such a short term profit centred mindset is a perfect example of a finite mindset where profits…

  • Performance Or Trust , which does an infinite minded leader choose?

    Taking the example of Navy Seals , more than performance the need is of a trustworthy individual. A high performing individual low on trust spoils the environment and the team morale. Whereas a highly trustworthy individual even though lacking in performance is much more in demand since IQ related to performance can be taught EQ…

  • Dream or Competition – Which do we chase?

    Chasing a dream instead of copying competition is much more involved and more difficult. Such is the case with companies who chase the competition.Their goals are short term oriented and shallow.The culture in such companies is filled with internal politics and micro management. On the other hand , companies who are busy chasing a dream…

  • “Finding our vision” , the choice is ours

    A vision is like a dream , it will disappear unless we do something with it. Thus when obstacles appear in the way of our vision , the choice is on us to find our vision. We can either devise innovative means to get around obstacles to climb the wall in front of us or…