Tag: The infinite game

  • Leader as a “Visionary”

    A leader clearly communicates a vision and provides a direction to the followers to reach the target. When obstacles appear , the human brain is creative enough to devise creative ways to get round the obstacles reach the target provided the destination is communicated clearly. The problem happens when the destination is not communicated clearly…

  • Three goals of pursuing a business

    Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “Great by Choice” The three goals for any business , in that order , should be: Pursue a just cause – To advance a vision bigger than self Protect people and make them feel safe – Should give rise to “Trusting” and hence “high performing” teams Generate profit –…

  • “Just Cause” as an “iceberg” metaphor

    Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “The Infinite Game” Just cause as defined by Simon in this book is a futuristic vision bigger than ourselves which can lead to true fulfillment in our lives and make our lives more meaningful. No matter how much we have achieved we feel we have further to go in…

  • Knowing our WHY can help us define our JUST CAUSE

    Adopted from Simon Sinek’s book titled “The Infinite Game” WHY as coined by Simon in his book “Start With Why” is something that defines us in terms of our values and beliefs.A WHY is formed by connecting the dots from the past. A JUST CAUSE on the other hand is a vision for the future…

  • Know more about the infinite minded “Victorinox”

    Victorinox is the iconic manufacturer of Swiss Army knives. Their business model hit a huge low when after 9/11 the US government banned the presence of knives in flight luggage. In spite of this they did not lay off people and in turn came up with new innovations and products to make up for the…

  • What Options does a player have in the game of business?

    The game of business is an infinite one.The rules can vary , players can come and go an d there is no time limit The following quote from Simon Sinek in “The Infinite Game” very aptly outlines the option any player has “We cannot choose the game.We cannot choose the rules.We can only choose how…

  • “Ambition” for self vs a “Just cause”

    All high performing leaders are incredibly ambitious. What makes their ambition different and in turn helps them rally followers and supporters around them is that their ambition is for a “just cause” not for self. When followers are shown a futuristic “just cause” for achieving something larger than themselves it can lead to a big…

  • Is “Productive Paranoia” good for high performing organizations?

    The high performing 10X companies are ones who maintain hypervigilance in good times as well as bad. They are always on their toes wary of disruption and hence competing with themselves to be a better version everyday. These companies constantly consider the possibility that events could turn against them at any moment and hence to…

  • Finding your “vision”

    We are used to the term “Have a vision” wherein being fascinated by visionaries like Steve Jobs , Martin Luther King we try to have a similar vision of ourselves. Not only is this stressful but at the same time does not make our lives meaningless if we don’t have one. To make our lives…

  • How to identify “Infinite minded” organizations?

    The three chief characteristics of organizations with an infinite mindset are as follows: The founders as well as the employees at each level are obsessed with advancing the Just Cause , the organization stands for. Since they are obsessed with their vision they are working to outpace themselves rather than the competition. The members form…