What happens when someone who knows “WHY” and another who knows “HOW” unite?

Historically a significant number of great organizations have been founded by partners who were close to one another , one of whom knew “WHY” to do it and another who knew “HOW” to do it.

Walt Disney(WHY) and Roy Disney(HOW) were brothers.

Bill  Gates(WHY) and Paul Allen(HOW) of Microsoft went to high school together.

Herb Kelleher(HOW) was Rollin King’s(WHY) divorce attorney and good friend and founded SouthWest Airlines together.

Steve Jobs(Knew WHY) and Steve Wozniak(Knew HOW) were best of friends at high school.

The list goes on..The point that need to be noted here is that for creating an iconic company , vision alone is not important.

A person who has the vision knows the WHY of starting the company.His companion who has the wherewithal and the HOW to do the job must complement the visionary in order to create something revolutionary.

This point has been aptly brought out by Simon Sinek in his book titled “Start With Why”

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